There' File.Size.5009.KB. Print.Length.482.pages. Publisher.Kiddy.World.Promotions.B.V.1.edition.(March.21.2012).
Publication.Date.March.21.2012. Language.English.
The Wonder Weeks Book
Ebook Pdf Reader
ASIN.B007NNYGHU. 4.84 out of 5 stars based on 12 user ratingsOverview'''
Frans Plooij,Hetty Vanderijt,: The Wonder Weeks: Eight Predictable, Age-linked Leaps in Your Baby's Mental Development Characterized by the Three C's (crying, Cranky, Clingy), a Change in Perception, and the Development of New SkillsDescriptionBook Description: Original, groundbreaking way of looking at the baby s brain growth and linking it to the difficult clingy, cranky, crying periods where they want to be close to their caregiver. This connection had never been understood or described until now.
Usually, these difficult periods drive parents crazy and guilt-ridden. This book reassures parents that they are not to blame and that these difficult periods are part of normal development all babies go through. Knowing that their baby can t help being so difficult at times, parents can tolerate their baby s irritable behavior much better. Based on extensive scientific research, The Wonder Weeks describes in easy-to-understand terms the incredible developmental changes that all babies go through during the first 60 weeks of their lives.
Now this book, which has sold more than 1 million copies throughout the world in 12 languages, can help parents predict -within a week or two- when to expect the behavior that marks a new change.